A slumber party isn’t complete without a few rounds of the classic game Never Have I Ever. It’s the perfect way to get to know your friends and get deep into some juicy stories!
From silly secrets to wild confessions, these juicy Never Have I Ever questions will bring out the best of your friends’ stories. Let the fun begin!
How to Play Never Have I Ever
Playing Never Have I Ever is straightforward. To start, gather in a circle with your friends or family. Decide if you will use your fingers or drinks as markers, then pick a person to start the game.
Tip: If you’re playing with drinks, take sips instead of emptying your glass every round. This way, you can last longer and tell more stories!
The first player starts by saying a statement beginning with “Never have I ever…” and finishes it with something they haven’t done. Everyone who has done the thing the player mentioned must take a sip of their drink or put down one finger.
Note: We recommend deciding on the theme of the questions before the game starts. That way, you can avoid awkward conversations if some of your friends are uncomfortable with certain topics.
For example, if you’ve decided to go with juicy topics, you can say, “Never Have I Ever… kissed someone on the first date,” and everyone who has done puts down a finger or takes a sip.
However, if nobody has done the thing mentioned, you’ll have to take a sip or put down your finger yourself! Then, the next player continues with their statement, and so on.
Let the stories begin! Continue this until everyone’s had a turn or until you feel like you’ve heard enough stories for the night. Ready to get started? Keep reading for some of the juiciest Never Have I Ever questions to make your game night unforgettable!
Never Have I Ever video guide
Do you want to get started right away? Check out our our step-by-step video guide on how to play Never Have I Ever!
Play Never Have I Ever online
Excited to play Never Have I Ever with friends but struggling to come up with interesting questions? No worries! Our online Never Have I Ever version makes generating questions a breeze.
Choose the category of questions you prefer — kid-friendly, adult-themed, or something in between — and let the game do the rest!
Juicy Never Have I Ever questions

Spill all the tea with these juicy Never Have I Ever questions. You’ll be surprised at what your friends may or may not have done!
1. Never have I ever kissed someone in public.
Hey, don’t be shy!
2. Never have I ever snuck out of my house at night.
Did your parents ever find out?
3. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
Sometimes it’s tempting to take a peek at your neighbor’s paper!
4. Never have I ever lied to get out of trouble.
You have to look out for yourself sometimes.
5. Never have I ever stolen something.
What did you take and why?
6. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.
We won’t judge if you have!
7. Never have I ever sent a risky text message.
Do tell!
8. Never have I ever watched an R-rated movie before I was 18.
Admit it, we’ve all done it!
9. Never have I ever made out with a stranger.
That’s wild!
10. Never have I ever lied to my parents about where I was going.
Did it work?
11. Never have I ever gone streaking.
Only the brave!
12. Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s significant other.
Don’t worry, your secret is safe with us!
13. Never have I ever used a fake ID to buy alcohol.
The struggle is real.
14. Never have I ever hooked up with someone I met on a dating app.
What a time to be alive.
15. Never have I ever had sex in a public place.
We won’t tell if you don’t.
16. Never have I ever lied about my age.
Just a few years, right?
17. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.
Always a no-no.
18. Never have I ever been in handcuffs.
Was it fun or scary?
19. Never have I ever made out with someone I met at a party.
That’s one way to make a memorable first impression.
20. Never have I ever lied to someone about being exclusive.
Honesty is always the best policy.
21. Never have I ever kissed someone while they were asleep.
Were they a sleeping beauty or a snoring prince?
22. Never have I ever gone on a blind date.
How did it turn out?
23. Never have I ever lied about my sexual history.
As long as you’re being honest now, that’s all that matters.
24. Never have I ever had a crush on a family member’s significant other.
That’s a no-no!
25. Never have I ever lied to my boss to take a day off.
You have to do what you have to do.
Scandalous Never Have I Ever questions

Take off the filters with these scandalous Never Have I Ever questions! Get ready for some juicy revelations!
1. Never have I ever skinny-dipped in the ocean or a public pool.
Anything for a little adventure!
2. Never have I ever lied to my partner about my past relationships.
It’s never too late to come clean!
3. Never have I ever sent a naughty text message to the wrong person.
4. Never have I ever kissed someone while they were in a relationship with someone else.
We won’t tell if you don’t.
5. Never have I ever flirted with someone to get a better grade in a class.
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
6. Never have I ever lied to my parents about my whereabouts.
The struggle is real.
7. Never have I ever kissed someone to make someone else jealous.
Revenge has never tasted sweeter.
8. Never have I ever had sex with someone without using protection.
Safety first!
9. Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of strangers.
Did you hit all the high notes?
10. Never have I ever stolen a street sign.
What did you do with it?
11. Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor.
The five-second rule is real!
12. Never have I ever danced in public without music.
The only music you need is the beat of your own heart.
13. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone I met online.
Once you go online, there’s no going back!
14. Never have I ever gotten lost in a foreign country.
Exploring the world can take you places.
15. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
It happens to the best of us.
16. Never have I ever walked out of a movie theater because the movie was too scary.
Sometimes you have to face your fears!
17. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo while drunk.
We all have our wild moments.
18. Never have I ever lost my phone and panicked.
There’s no worse feeling.
19. Never have I ever skipped a meal to save money.
Hey, we all have to make sacrifices sometimes.
20. Never have I ever been on a rollercoaster that made me scream.
The thrill of the ride is worth it!
21. Never have I ever eaten food out of the trash.
No judgment here!
22. Never have I ever been in a car accident.
We hope everyone was okay!
23. Never have I ever gotten a piercing on a whim.
What was the final result?
24. Never have I ever dyed my hair a crazy color.
We love a risk-taker.
25. Never have I ever been on a Ferris wheel.
How was the view from the top?
Naughty Never Have I Ever questions

Heat up the night with these naughty Never Have I Ever questions! Giggle, gasp, and blush through these fun questions.
1. Never have I ever stolen something worth over $100.
That’s a lot of money!
2. Never have I ever lied on my resume.
It’s okay, we’ve all done it.
3. Never have I ever gotten drunk before noon.
It’s five o’clock somewhere!
4. Never have I ever shoplifted.
Sometimes you need a little thrill.
5. Never have I ever snuck into a movie theater.
Free movies are the best!
6. Never have I ever sexted.
It’s all about the art of seduction.
7. Never have I ever vandalized property.
Let’s hope you didn’t get caught!
8. Never have I ever smoked weed or used drugs.
Just use caution when experimenting.
9. Never have I ever stolen someone’s significant other.
Love is a battlefield.
10. Never have I ever ghosted someone I was dating.
Sometimes it’s just better to run away.
11. Never have I ever cheated on a diet or exercise plan.
We understand the temptation.
12. Never have I ever used someone else’s Netflix or other streaming accounts without permission.
It’s like having an all-access pass!
13. Never have I ever told someone “I love you” when I didn’t mean it.
Love isn’t something to be taken lightly.
14. Never have I ever faked an orgasm.
The only one who can tell is you.
15. Never have I ever lied about my income or financial status.
It’s okay, we’ve all done it.
16. Never have I ever stolen something from a hotel room.
It’s like taking a piece of the adventure with you.
17. Never have I ever taken credit for someone else’s work.
Credit where credit is due!
18. Never have I ever lied to get a job.
Sometimes you have to do what it takes.
19. Never have I ever lied about my age to get into a club or bar.
A little white lie never hurt anyone.
20. Never have I ever gotten into a physical fight.
It’s best to stay calm in a confrontation.
21. Never have I ever told a secret that wasn’t mine to tell.
It’s important to respect other people’s privacy.
22. Never have I ever lied to get someone into bed.
Nobody likes being deceived.
23. Never have I ever intentionally flirted with someone to make their partner jealous.
It’s a game best left untouched.
24. Never have I ever pretended to be someone else online.
Catfishing isn’t cool!
25. Never have I ever intentionally led someone on.
It’s not fair to either of you!
Provocative Never Have I Ever questions

Time to break the ice with these provocative Never Have I Ever questions! Don’t be shy; these questions will bring out the best (and worst) stories!
1. Never have I ever had a crush on someone while in a committed relationship.
It’s only natural to have a wandering eye.
2. Never have I ever kissed someone while knowing they were in a relationship.
It’s not the best thing to do.
3. Never have I ever lied to get out of trouble with the law.
It’s a slippery slope.
4. Never have I ever gotten into a physical altercation with someone out of jealousy.
Jealousy can make you do some crazy things, right?
5. Never have I ever lied about my identity online.
The internet can be a dangerous place.
6. Never have I ever stolen something from a friend’s house.
Did you return it?
7. Never have I ever cheated on a significant other.
Actions speak louder than words.
8. Never have I ever manipulated someone into doing something for me.
It’s not a nice thing to do.
9. Never have I ever intentionally started drama in a friend group.
Ah, the drama queens.
10. Never have I ever spread a rumor that wasn’t true.
Be careful with your words.
11. Never have I ever secretly listened in on a conversation.
What did you hear?
12. Never have I ever flirted with someone to get something out of them.
Did it work?
13. Never have I ever stolen from my workplace.
Just ask for a raise!
14. Never have I ever lied about my age to get something I wanted.
Age is just a number.
15. Never have I ever lied to get out of a speeding ticket.
It’s a risk!
16. Never have I ever snuck into a concert or event without a ticket.
How did you pull it off?
17. Never have I ever lied to get out of a commitment.
Sometimes it’s for the best.
18. Never have I ever pretended to be someone I’m not to impress someone.
Faking it won’t get you far.
19. Never have I ever lied about my relationship status to attract someone.
It’s not a good look.
20. Never have I ever blackmailed someone.
That’s a no-no!
21. Never have I ever stolen from a family member.
Was it worth it?
22. Never have I ever sabotaged someone’s relationship out of jealousy.
Take a deep breath and count to ten.
23. Never have I ever walked in on someone naked.
24. Never have I ever had sex with someone while on vacation.
How was the trip?
25. Never have I ever had a sexual fantasy involving a close friend.
Step up your game night with more fun and unique Never Have I Ever questions! These will surely make every round of the classic party game even more enjoyable.