Getting to know your friends has never been easier with a classic game of Never Have I Ever! This simple yet entertaining game is excellent for parties, family gatherings, and even just a night in with your closest pals.
All you have to do is create a list of fun, challenging questions that will reveal things about your friends and let the fun of Never Have I Ever begin! To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of some great questions that are perfect for any friend group! Let’s get to it!
How to play Never Have I Ever
Before playing, ensure everyone understands the game’s rules. But don’t worry, it’s an easy game to learn and play! Its basic premise is that each person takes turns saying a ‘Never Have I Ever’ statement.
Sounds simple, right? To get started, decide with your friends if you’re playing with or without drinks, and if you’re playing with drinks, get your beverages ready. If not, you use your hands to keep a tally of your actions.
After everyone has their drinks or hands ready, choose a person to start the game. They will say a statement beginning with ‘Never Have I Ever’, and everyone who has done it puts down one of their fingers.
Reminder: Remember that the statement you say should be something you’ve never done before. For example, if you haven’t ridden a roller coaster before, you can say, ‘Never Have I Ever ridden a roller coaster’.
If the statement doesn’t apply to anyone in the group, then the person who made the statement puts down a finger or takes a drink. Keep going around the circle until everyone has had a turn. If you’re playing with your hands, every person who uses all ten of their fingers is out.
If you’re playing with drinks, the winner is the last person standing who hasn’t finished their drink. If you’re not drinking, the last person who hasn’t used all ten of their fingers is the winner! Now, let’s get to the fun part – picking questions!
Never Have I Ever video guide
You don’t have the energy to explain the game to your friends? No worries! Just click on the link below and watch our step-by-step guide on how to play Never Have I Ever!
Play Never Have I Ever online
Want to play this thrilling game but struggling to think of questions? No worries! Generating fun questions has never been easier with our online Never Have I Ever game.
You pick a category (such as relationships, school and work, party, and more), and it’ll generate a list of questions that will surely get some exciting reveals from your friends. Never run out of questions again using this awesome online game!
Fun Never Have I Ever questions for friends

Transform any gathering into a night of laughter and amazing revelations with these fun Never Have I Ever questions! Get your friends talking and let the fun begin.
1. Never have I ever tried to balance something unusual on my head.
Did it fall or not?
2. Never have I ever tried to catch a grape in my mouth from a distance and failed.
Let’s test those coordination skills!
3. Never have I ever tried to see how long I could hold my breath.
So, can you audition for a synchronized swimming team?
4. Never have I ever accidentally called someone the wrong name.
Pay attention and double-check your names!
5. Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon character.
You’re never too old to have a crush!
6. Never have I ever tried to do a cartwheel and failed.
It’s all about practice and perfecting your technique.
7. Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried.
The best kind of laugh is the one that brings tears to your eyes.
8. Never have I ever had a bad haircut.
Did you regret it or rock it?
9. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong group chat.
Make sure you triple-check before clicking send!
10. Never have I ever fallen asleep in a public place.
Get plenty of rest, folks!
11. Never have I ever accidentally worn my shirt inside out.
Always check before you go out the door!
12. Never have I ever tried to do a handstand and failed.
Keep practicing, and you’ll be upside down in no time!
13. Never have I ever accidentally walked into the wrong classroom.
Pay attention to where you’re going!
14. Never have I ever accidentally spilled a drink on someone.
Oops! Better luck next time.
15. Never have I ever tried to do a split and failed.
Don’t hurt yourself, but don’t give up, either!
16. Never have I ever stayed up all night playing video games.
Sleep is essential, so don’t forget to get your rest!
17. Never have I ever danced in the rain.
Did you feel like the main character of a movie?
18. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter.
Whether for a project or to cram for an exam, make sure you take breaks!
19. Never have I ever broken a bone.
Ouch! I hope you recovered quickly.
20. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
Did you get something meaningful or just a spur-of-the-moment decision?
21. Never have I ever eaten something weird to impress someone.
Did it work?
22. Never have I ever been to a music festival.
Did you camp out or just go for the day?
23. Never have I ever gone on a blind date.
How did it go?
24. Never have I ever traveled solo.
Going on an adventure by yourself can be both intimidating and liberating.
25. Never Have I Ever eaten a bug.
Don’t yuck someone else’s yum!
Classic Never Have I Ever questions for friends

Take a trip down memory lane with these classic Never Have I Ever questions. They will surely bring back some painful or embarrassing memories, but all in good fun!
1. Never have I ever tried sushi.
Did you like it or not?
2. Never have I ever been to a rock concert.
What was the best part?
3. Never have I ever been on a roller coaster.
Hey, it’s not for everyone!
4. Never have I ever tried smoking.
No judgment here!
5. Never have I ever been arrested.
Hope you got off with a warning.
6. Never have I ever been in a physical fight.
Let’s keep it peaceful, people!
7. Never have I ever ridden a horse.
Did you feel like a cowgirl or cowboy?
8. Never have I ever ridden a motorcycle.
How was the experience?
9. Never have I ever been on a cruise.
Only smooth sailing here!
10. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
As long as everyone was safe and consensual.
11. Never have I ever been in a hot air balloon.
Did you get to see the world from a bird’s eye view?
12. Never have I ever gone skiing or snowboarding.
Live life on the edge!
13. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.
Was it worth the risk?
14. Never have I ever gone to a strip club.
Sometimes it’s fun to go out and be wild!
15. Never have I ever been in a serious car accident.
We hope you were safe!
16. Never have I ever thrown up at the side of the road after a night of partying.
Gross but understandable.
17. Never have I ever gotten a speeding ticket or been pulled over by the police.
Did you learn your lesson?
18. Never have I ever been fired from a job.
It happens to the best of us.
19. Never have I ever gone on a vacation outside of my home country.
Where did you go?
20. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone I met online.
Did you hit it off?
21. Never have I ever tried a recreational drug.
Hey, we don’t judge!
22. Never have I ever skipped school or work without a legitimate excuse.
We don’t recommend it!
23. Never have I ever cheated on a test or an exam.
Fess up!
24. Never have I ever stolen something from a store.
Hope you learned your lesson!
25. Never have I ever lied to my parents about where I was going or who I was with.
It’s better to be honest!
Serious Never Have I Ever questions for friends

Just because you’re having fun during a Never Have I Ever game doesn’t mean it can’t also be meaningful. Try out these serious Never Have I Ever questions and get to know your friends on a deeper level.
1. Never have I ever lied to my partner about something important.
As long as you’re honest now!
2. Never have I ever driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Don’t drink and drive!
3. Never have I ever intentionally hurt someone physically.
Violence is never the answer.
4. Never have I ever lied to get out of trouble.
Sometimes it’s better to own up to your mistakes.
5. Never have I ever broken a promise to someone I care about.
Be mindful of your word.
6. Never have I ever cheated on a significant other.
Don’t do the wrong thing!
7. Never have I ever sent an inappropriate picture or text message.
Be respectful of other people’s boundaries.
8. Never have I ever plagiarized someone else’s work.
Give credit where it’s due!
9. Never have I ever gotten into a physical fight.
Sometimes it’s better to walk away.
10. Never have I ever betrayed a friend’s trust.
Friends are priceless, don’t take them for granted.
11. Never have I ever been in debt.
Money management is key.
12. Never have I ever gone behind someone’s back to get what I want.
Sometimes it’s not worth it in the end.
13. Never have I ever broken the law.
Be mindful of the consequences.
14. Never have I ever lied to get out of a date.
Be honest and respectful.
15. Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar or club.
Sometimes it’s better to leave the party early.
16. Never have I ever lied about my age.
Hey, we all do it sometimes!
17. Never have I ever ghosted someone after a date or relationship.
It’s not nice to leave someone hanging.
18. Never have I ever stolen something from a friend or family member.
Honesty is the best policy.
19. Never have I ever been suspended from school or work.
We all make mistakes.
20. Never have I ever lied on a resume or job application.
Be honest and up-front.
21. Never have I ever cheated on a business partner or colleague.
Trust is key in any relationship.
22. Never have I ever been in a hit-and-run accident.
Never leave the scene of an accident.
23. Never have I ever used someone else’s identity or credit card without permission.
It’s not worth it in the end.
24. Never have I ever struggled with addiction.
There is help available.
25. Never have I ever been homeless.
Sometimes life throws us a curveball.
Outrageous Never Have I Ever questions for friends

Make your Never Have I Ever game more outrageous with these wild questions. They’re sure to get your friends laughing and having a great time!
1. Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
Ah, the thrill of it all!
2. Never have I ever played a prank on someone that went wrong.
Nothing wrong with a little harmless fun.
3. Never have I ever streaked in public.
It takes a brave soul!
4. Never have I ever eaten something that was still alive.
5. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo while drunk.
A surefire way to regret it the next day.
6. Never have I ever accidentally sent a dirty text to the wrong person.
7. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone twice my age.
Age ain’t nothing but a number!
8. Never have I ever dated someone to make someone else jealous.
Don’t play games with someone’s heart.
9. Never have I ever gotten a piercing in a private area.
It takes courage to take the plunge.
10. Never have I ever been the third wheel on a date.
It’s not always a bad thing.
11. Never have I ever used a fake ID to get into a bar or club.
Shh, it’s our little secret.
12. Never have I ever peed in public.
Holding it in is hard work.
13. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone I met online without seeing their picture first.
Were you pleasantly surprised or not?
14. Never have I ever had sex in a public place.
It takes a daring soul!
15. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone already in a relationship.
It takes two to tango.
16. Never have I ever been in a love triangle.
Sometimes it’s hard to choose.
17. Never have I ever lied about being single to hook up with someone.
It’s not worth it in the end.
18. Never have I ever gone on a date with someone just because they were rich.
Money isn’t everything.
19. Never have I ever been caught doing something illegal.
It happens to the best of us.
20. Never have I ever peed in a pool.
A refreshing experience?
21. Never have I ever kissed someone while they were sleeping.
It’s not like they would know!
22. Never have I ever hooked up with someone from work.
Don’t mix business with pleasure.
23. Never have I ever had a one-night stand with a celebrity.
We all have our fantasies.
24. Never have I ever had a sexual fantasy about someone I shouldn’t have.
We are all human.
25. Never have I ever snuck out of the house to hook up with someone.
Elevate your game nights with the best Never Have I Ever questions, promising laughter, camaraderie, and shared moments of revelation.